We know that no one has remained untouched by the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone has felt the shock waves of temporary office closures, limits on social gatherings, and restricted travel. Financial advisors have had to find ways to transition from playing a prominent, in-person role in their communities to connecting virtually. A model that previously relied heavily on face-to-face interaction and networking had to adjust to find new ways to stay connected with clients, prospects and each other safely.
So, how are advisors adapting? Increased use of video, virtual events, and connecting with clients through digital channels are some of the methods that are helping financial firms thrive. Thrivent Advisor Network was a proud sponsor of the InvestmentNews, Women Adviser Summit in October where our Head of Growth, Juli Wilder, joined Megan Carpenter, CEO of FiComm Partners, Jennifer Cords, Founding Partner and Wealth Advisor at Cedar Cove Wealth Partners, and Michelle Smalenberger, Financial Advisor and CEO of Financial Design Studio on a virtual round table discussion about how to thrive during this challenging time.